On 3 March at 14:00-15:30 CET, the TN-ITS GO project will host a webinar on the success stories from some of the countries implementing TN-ITS (pilot)...
TN-ITS joins the discussion on public-private cooperation for Safety on the Road at the Virtual ITS Europe Congress
Since it was set up in 2013, and following upon a series of EU funded research and pilot projects, the TN-ITS platform actively took initiatives to...
TN-ITS reflects on the ‘Future of a common European Mobility data space’
TN-ITS is glad to announce the publication of its new reflection paper that addresses the deployment of a standard European data sharing mechanism....
European TN ITS standard for map updates unifies UK’s digital infrastructure data
Today, 15 EU member states implement the EU standard TN-ITS mechanism, ensuring qualitative and trusted data feeds to enable accurate and up-to date...
Join TN-ITS at the 13th Open Auto Drive Forum
The 13th Open Auto Drive Forum, the cross-domain platform driving standardizations in the area of autonomous driving, goes virtual! The event will take...
How TN-ITS can support ISA: an interactive webinar
TN-ITS has recently shared with its community the importance of its role to speed up the Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) across Europe, thanks to the...
Portugal extends EU TN-ITS network to the South West borders
Although the recent COVID-19 emergency severely limits the progress of projects all over the business world, Portugal’s “Infraestruturas de Portugal,...
Make a difference: contribute to the European ITS Directive!
ERTICO and its Partner VVA are undertaking a support study for the European Commission DG MOVE’s new Working Programme regarding the ITS Directive...
Make a difference: contribute to the European ITS Directive!
ERTICO Partner VVA is undertaking a support study for the European Commission DG MOVE’s new Working Programme regarding the ITS Directive (Directive...
Enabling the Traffic Services of tomorrow: DATEX II & TN-ITS towards interoperable standars
DATEX II and TN-ITS are working together towards the interoperability of standards in the traffic management domain. The first step will be the...
TN-ITS speeds up ISA across Europe
The newly revised General Safety Regulation has made Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) mandatory in new types of vehicles, from M and N categories...
MOVIN towards “Go for ZERO”
MOVIN' (Mobile Support Tool for Road Signs Inventory) is a recent mobile application, issued by the Flemish road authority, which automates the...
TN-ITS: What & Why Webinar now available on Youtube!
In case you missed the "What and Why" webinar held the 29/10, click below to catch up!
TN-ITS GO in Finland for the Digital Transport Days 2019
Last week, TN-ITS GO participated to the Digital Transport Days Conference, held in Helsinki from the 7th to the 9th of October and organised by the...
TN-ITS Specifications: recorded session now available!
If you have always wanted to know more about TN-ITS Specifications, good news! Click below to access the YouTube video of the recorded session which was...
TN-ITS Specifications: recorded session now available!
If you have always wanted to know more about TN-ITS Specifications, good news! Check our website Library to access the YouTube video of the recorded...
TN-ITS: What & Why – The Webinar
TN-ITS GO is glad to invite you to the webinar organised the next 29th of October 2019, from 14:00 to 15:00 CET. TN-ITS is currently deployed in 15 EU...
TN-ITS: What & Why – The Webinar
TN-ITS GO is glad to invite you to the webinar organised the next 29th of October 2019, from 14:00 to 15:00 CET. TN-ITS is currently deployed in 15 EU...