As you probably know, INSPIRE is all about creating a European Union spatial data infrastructure for environmental topics. It should enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations and facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe. The INSPIRE Directive came into force on 15 May 2007 and full implementation is required by 2021.
The motto of this years’ INSPIRE conference was: Make it work together!
On September 20th, Stephen T’Siobbel, President of TN-ITS, presented TN-ITS (GO) in a session on the use of INSPIRE in support of the Intelligent Transport Systems. He highlighted the complementary role of the TN-ITS platform to INSPIRE, talking about the focus of TN-ITS on exchanging changes of road data owned by authorities, the standardisation work (CEN TS 17268), the success in the Nordics, the growth in terms of features/attributes the exchange services will support and the planned deployment of these services in Europe – as part of the CEF EIP supported TN-ITS GO project.
Later that day, Alain De Taeye – a member of the executive board of TomTom – gave a speech on Big Data at the plenary session to an audience of hundreds of the INSPIRE community, not failing to mention TN-ITS as an important gateway to (Open Data) data sources for map makers, see picture. It shows how authoritative data – published under the right terms and conditions – finds its way to the industry, ultimately to benefit millions of citizens!