TN-ITS GO is glad to invite you to the webinar organised the next 29th of October 2019, from 14:00 to 15:00 CET. TN-ITS is currently deployed in 15 EU...
TN-ITS updated factsheet!
New entry in our Library: check the communication section and have a look at the updated TN-ITS Factsheet! Facts and figures of the project are available...
TN-ITS @ the 13th ITS European Congress
TN-ITS was glad to be part of the 13th ITS European Congress! The event, which took place at the Evoluon in Brainport, Eindhoven, gathered all members of...
TN-ITS Activity Workshop
A Connected and Automated Driving Experience towards an interoperable digital infrastructure architecture and system How does connected and automated...
For years, speeding has been recognised as one of the main contributing factors to deaths on our roads. Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) will have a...
TN-ITS at the 2018 INSPIRE Conference in Antwerp
As you probably know, INSPIRE is all about creating a European Union spatial data infrastructure for environmental topics. It should enable the sharing...
TN-ITS project at the ITS World Congress in Copenhagen: 1 million map updates and 15 participating countries!
Image: Stephen T’ Siobbel presents the TN-ITS Go project Reaching out and creating networking opportunities with other countries and road authorities is...
TN-ITS Guidelines for Data Senders and Data Receivers
The work of TN-ITS is divided into five working groups (WG), each addressing a different range of issues, including location referencing, reference...
Feedback Loop Highlighted in Recent TN-ITS Member Discussions
The TN-ITS Joint Progress meeting, held on 27th November in Brussels, gave an opportunity for TN-ITS members to exchange information and share best...
TN-ITS GO Members Welcomed at TN-ITS Joint Progress Meeting
On 27th November, TN-ITS hosted a Joint Progress Meeting in Brussels regrouping the pioneer TN-ITS implementations from Sweden and Norway together with...
TN-ITS and Its Initiatives Presented at Congress in Brussels
On 29th September, Bert Boterbergh presented TN-ITS at the Congress in Brussels. His presentation briefly introduced the TN-ITS platform, which is...
A strong TN-ITS delegation at the latest INSPIRE conference (05-09 September 2017)
Upon kind invitation of DG JRC, Maxime Flament, ERTICO’s Head of Department Connectivity & Automation, participated at a workshop on ‘New Directions...
TN-ITS participated in SIS44 at ITS Europe Congress
On 21st June 2017, the TN-ITS President Stephen T’Siobbel from TomTom Group, participated as speaker in the Special Interest Session 44 at the 12th ITS...
TN-ITS proposal has been accepted for the INSPIRE Conference 2017!
TN-ITS proposal “An update of TN-ITS as the reference platform for exchanging road data (changes)for ITS applications in Europe” has been accepted for...
TN-ITS implementation in England and Wales
In February 2015, the UK Department of Transport (DfT) launched the Highways Network Project with the aim to create an accurate view of the entire road...
DG MOVE call for Programme Support Action proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility
On May 3, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) launched a call for proposals (MOVE/B4-2017-63) for a...
Global NCAP seminar
9th May 2017, London On May 9 the TN-ITS president, Stephen T’Siobbel, was invited to a Global NCAP seminar in London on Advancing Speed Assistance...
Connected and Automated Driving ( CAD) conference
3&4th April 2017, Brussels ( Belgium) The first EU conference on Connected and Automated Driving took place in Brussels on 3-4 April. The high-level...