TN-ITS: What & Why

TN-ITS GO is glad to invite you to the webinar organised the next 29th of October 2019, from 14:00 to 15:00 CET.

TN-ITS is currently deployed in 15 EU members states as a de facto methodology for road authorities for map attribute data exchange.

TN-ITS, by its nature, represents the base layer data related to a digital infrastructure. The availability of this data enables a variety of current and future applications like accurate and sustainable navigation, positive impacts on road safety, efficiency in administering the road infrastructure. It will form the basis for a step-by-step introduction of automation.

This webinar, intended for road authorities and their management, gives a deeper insight in the details of TN-ITS, its implementations, and applications. It explains TN-ITS role in the complete overall digital infrastructure system. The Webinar will also address typical data-related topics such as trust, integrity and quality of data. During the discussion, two Member States in which TN-ITS is already being implemented will give an update regarding their TN-ITS services’ status and their overall experience.

This webinar is also meant to explore the future possibilities and strategy of TN-ITS.

The webinar will be recorded and made available on line for the attendees’ convenience.



1.      Christian Kleine, HERE

2.      Frank Daems, ERTICO

3.      George Christou, UCY

4.      Matti Pesu, FTIA

5.      Tom Jensen, TomTom

6.      Moderator: Carmela Canonico, ERTICO

To register, click on the following link: