Kees Wevers and Maxime Flament attended the “Directive 2010/40/EU European ITS Committee meeting” held in Brussels, and KW gave a presentation on...
CEN/TC278 meeting
Kees Wevers met in Delft with the Chair of CEN/TC 278 Lex Eggink, and the Convener of CEN/TC 278/WG 8 Dick de Winter, to discuss if a new Work Item (WI),...
TN-ITS General Assembly
TN-ITS was formally established at its inaugural General Assembly held at Dublin during the ITS European Congress 2013. There are eight founding members:...
Annual Activity Plan and Budget published
The Annual Activity Plan and Budget (AAPB) for the years 2013 and 2014 is finalised and published. First meetings of WGs 1, 2 and 3 are announced for 14...
TN-ITS JRC meeting
Kees Wevers and Maxime Flament met in Brussels with JRC representatives (EU Joint Research Centre; the custodian of INSPIRE) Francesco Pignatelli and (by...
TN-ITS WG2 leader nominated wihtin NPRA
Trond Hovland (ITS Norway) has had discussions with Per Anderson of the NPRA, who will be the Leader of TN-ITS WG 2 – Standardisation (Trond is ad...
CEN/TC 278 CHOD and Plenary meetings
On 27/28 March 2014, Kees Wevers (President of TN-ITS and Convener of CEN/TC 278/WG 7 – ITS spatial data) attends CEN/TC 278 Convenors and Heads of...
CEN/TC278/WG7 revival
A proposal to re-establish CEN/TC 278/WG 7 “Geographic Data Files”, which had been submitted to the CEN/TC 278 Secretariat, was circulated to the TC 278...