Last week, TN-ITS GO participated to the Digital Transport Days Conference, held in Helsinki from the 7th to the 9th of October and organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), in cooperation with the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The three-days offered an occasion to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field, to help define and implement enabling policies, as well as developing customer-oriented services.
Public officials, experts, industry and service providers attended the conference.
TN-ITS GO has been presented to the audience by ERTICO’s Frank Daems and Carmela Canonico in the exhibition area of the event, where the possibility to test new prototypes and apps was given to visitors.
TN-ITS GO deploys the TN-ITS ‘map base layer data’ update mechanism, as the basis for any digital infrastructure .This de- facto standard is currently being implemented in 15 Member states. TN-ITS was also discussed as an example of a trusted data sharing mechanism in the context of NAP (National Access points), during the dedicated session on Tuesday the 8th.
More information about the event at
Mr. Frank Daems (ERTICO) and Director-General for Mobility and Transport Mr. Henrik Hololei in the exhibition area