MOVIN’ (Mobile Support Tool for Road Signs Inventory) is a recent mobile application, issued by the Flemish road authority, which automates the registration of traffic signs in Flanders–Belgium.
It greatly contributes to the realisation of the TN-ITS GO project by quickly registering new or updated traffic signs placed along the roads. The data is then made available via the European standardised TN-ITS data exchange mechanism for publication in maps and to be used by in-car or mobile navigation applications. TN-ITS enabled map data guide the driver in an accurate way, maintaining the legally imposed road regulations. These actions fit with the European action ‘Go for Zero’, an awareness campaign aimed at reducing the number of road casualties on Flemish and European roads.
MOVIN’ application is part of the Flanders project ‘Speed’; it was developed by the Department of Mobility and Public Works (MOW) and the Agency for Roads and Traffic (AWV) in cooperation with some local authorities, and the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG).
The TN-ITS platform was set-up in 2013 to facilitate and foster the pan-European harmonized exchange of modifications in road data between road authorities as trusted and quality data providers, and mapmakers and other parties as data users.
TN-ITS services are already active in Flanders, France, Finland, Norway and Sweden, with a total data update rate of more than 1 million per year, and are further being implemented in eight additional member states.
Road Authorities publish changes of road data as part of their ‘Map Base layer’ Digital Infrastructure data maintenance. Mapmakers retrieve, verify and integrate these changes in their databases and bring this to map users. Drivers can benefit from up-to-date fresh map data that will enable services like ISA (intelligent speed advice/adaptation), or will support driver/traveller information systems on any platform, including mobile devices.
TN-ITS, with its focus on base layer map data, is compliant and coherent with other map data-related initiatives aimed at dynamic data information exchange, related to real time information with very short lifetimes.
For more information, visit (website in Dutch)