TN-ITS: all our video recordings

Did you miss any of our events but you would like to know what our experts shared? No worries, we got you covered!

Below you will find all the recordings of our past events, from the most recent to the oldest ones. Enjoy!

TN-ITS GOes urban – 11th October 2021

The event TN-ITS GOes Urban was held at the ITS World Congress 2021 on 11 October 2021. The event’s goal was to highlight what TN-ITS can do for public authorities – including cities – and its role in the data space, as well as support improvements in city navigation and traffic management.


An introduction to maps: from creation to innovation – 22nd September 2021

Up-to-date maps are a key asset for ITS applications, as well as for increasing road safety and efficiency. This TN-ITS webinar will provide an insight on the functioning of (HD) maps, on how TN-ITS contributes to them, as well as on maps layers and related maps services and data maintenance.


TN ITS Specifications explained a basis for sharing road data in Europe – 27th May 2021

This webinar aims at providing a general introduction to the Technical Specifications.

First, the President of the TN-ITS, Christian Kleine, from HERE gave a concise overview of the platform. He will be followed by Stephen T’Siobbel, the specifications working group leader representing ERTICO, who will discuss the high level aspects of the TN-ITS specifications. A deeper dive was provided by Knut Jetlund from the Norwegian Public Road Authorities, a former member of the CEN project team that shaped the TS from earlier research results, and a spatial data / standardisation expert. Finally an Open Data expert elaborated upon the (technical) connection between TN-ITS and the Open Data world. The event closed with the proposition of a number of relevant upcoming actions and initiatives by our project manager Frank Daems from ERTICO.

TN-ITS: What and Why – 29th October 2019

This TN-ITS Webinar held the 29th October 2021, intended for road authorities and their management, gives a deeper insight in the details of TN-ITS, its implementations, and applications. It explains TN-ITS role in the complete overall digital infrastructure system. The Webinar will also address typical data-related topics such as trust, integrity and quality of data. During the discussion, two Member States in which TN-ITS is already being implemented will give an update regarding their TN-ITS services’ status and their overall experience.


TN-ITS Specification Guide – 19th September 2019

TN-ITS specification session from the meeting held in Berlin on the 19th of September 2019.