On the 3rd of March, ERTICO’s project TN-ITS GO hosted the ‘Success stories webinar’, gathering more than 60 people together virtually to hear about and discuss their implementation experiences in Belgium, the UK, Hungary and Greece.
The webinar began with TN-ITS president, Mr Christian Kleine- HERE, introducing the TN-ITS GO project. TN-ITS GO is a Programme Support Action (PSA) for the implementation and facilitation of seamless spatial data exchange, essential for the deployment of ITS applications. across countries in Europe.
Mr Dave Russell (Ordnance Survey) followed with UK’s current status, highlighting how, despite the challenge of the lack of a definitive base dataset, the TN-ITS GO project has shown that it is technically possible to create a flow of data and publish change intelligence to those that need it.
Ms Lien Bakelants (Flemish Road and traffic agency, BE) presented Flanders’ solution for traffic signs update, the MOVIN app for on-site inspections that helps local municipalities to efficiently manage their road sign database.
Mr Giorgos Drainakis (ICCS) provided an overview of Greece’s TN-ITS pilot service, highlighting the challenges encountered, such as the raw data format that differed from TN-ITS protocols and the data licensing, and the solutions found. The great value of the collaboration and coordination with other more experienced Member States was presented, as well as Greece’s future plans for the service.
Mr Máté Verdes (KOZUT) explained how Hungary implemented an operative TN-ITS service covering the Country’s main road in just 24 months, using both well-proven and advanced technology to implement the service. Using both the National Road Database and the Traffic Sign Registry, Hungary and its TN-Its service is making the public road network more safe and efficient.
After the presentations from our speakers, Mr Frank Daems (ERTICO) moderated a lively session of Q&A, where more details on the relation of TN-ITS and NAP, data format and data licensing were discussed.