In connection to its 32th Plenary meeting, CEN/TC 287 (Geographic information) organised a one-day standards-related technical workshop with the title “Standardization + cooperation = technical harmonization”. The workshop and the Plenary meeting were held in Delft, The Netherlands.
CEN/TC 287 is the European counterpart of ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics), and not to be confused with CEN/TC 278 (Intelligent transport systems), which is the counterpart of ISO/TC 204 (Intelligent transport systems). CEN is the European Committee for Standardization, and ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. The work in these international standards bodies is organised in Technical Committees (TCs).
TN-ITS was invited to speak at the workshop. The presentation provided information on background, mission and status of TN-ITS, and on its standardisation activity, embedded in a more general picture of digital maps for ITS, and various other standardisation topics related to this.
The ongoing standardisation activity of TN-ITS concerns the work to bring the TN-ITS/ROSATTE specification for a spatial road data exchange framework to the level of a CEN Technical Specification. This work is carried out jointly by TN-ITS WG 2 (Specifications and Standardisation) and CEN/TC 278/WG 7 (ITS spatial data).
Links to the agenda and the TN-ITS presentation