
The Swedish TN-ITS service is available from the Swedish Transport Administration. It is operational since 2014 and publishes daily changes in speed limits, road information and road restrictions for the full country covering all road types. The service shares linear and point features reflecting road information and traffic signs. It supports different types of location referencing methods to maximize the re-use of the information (OpenLR, GML, and INSPIRE linear referencing).
The point of contact is Ms. Miho Ishii (geografisk.information @trafikverket.se).
For access to the service, please read Service Description found on this page: Nedladdningstjänst, daglig fölrändringsinformation av vägdata/TN-ITS.

The Norwegian TN-ITS service is available from the Norwegian Public Road Administration. It is operational since 2015 and publishes changes of speed limits, road info, road restriction and warnings on a daily basis. Changes for the full country covering all road types are made available. The service shares linear and point features reflecting road information and traffic signs. It supports different types of location referencing methods to maximize the re-use of the information (OpenLR, GML, and INSPIRE linear referencing).
The point of contact is Mr. Martin Frederiksen (martin.fredriksen@vegvesen.no).
For access to the service follow this link.

The Finish TN-ITS service is available from the Finish Transport Administration. It is operational since 2016 and publishes batch updates of changes of speed limits covering all roads for the entire Finish territory. The service shares linear and point features reflecting road information and traffic signs. It supports different types of location referencing methods to maximize the re-use of the information (OpenLR, GML, and INSPIRE linear referencing).
The point of contact is Mr. Matti Pesu ( Matti.Pesu@liikennevirasto.fiMatti.Pesu@liikennevirasto.fi).
For access to the service follow this link.

The Flemish TN-ITS service is available via the Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer as an operational service. The service mainly publishes changes of speed limits and traffic restrictions for roads in the Flemish region, but also warning signs, supporting both point and linear features. Different types of location referencing methods are available to maximize the re-use of the information (OpenLR, GML). Flanders has implemented the CEN TS 17268 in the 3rd quarter of 2021.
The point of contact is Ms. Nele Dedene (nele.dedene@mow.vlaanderen.be).
For access to the service follow this link (https://www.transportdata.be/dataset/tn-its ).

The UK TN-ITS service is available from the Department for Transport (DfT). The pilot service has been available since 2017 and has demonstrated the ability to publish batches of changes in speed limits, road information and road restrictions impacting on all road classifications for limited trial areas of the UK. The service shares linear and point features reflecting speed limits and other road restrictions respectively. It supports different types of location referencing methods to maximize the re-use of the information (GML and INSPIRE linear referencing). DfT is a partner in the TN-ITS GO project to advance TN-ITS services in Europe (2018-2021).
The point of contact is Mr. Suku Phull (Suku.Phull@dft.gsi.gov.uk).
For access to the service follow this link

The IGN proposal for the road data provision pilot is based to the perspective to get the regular INSPIRE services for roads. Since 2016, a daily updating geospatial data service provides a digital cartographic service including local to national road data. The content will be enhanced in the 2018 to 2020 period with vehicle restrictions for width and weight, park access and speed limits. The pilot was published in 2017 for several months. He will be rebuild in the 1st semester 2018 with a better informatics, an extended set of attributes and an area extended to the whole Hauts-de-France region.
The point of contact is Mr Alain Chaumet (alain.chaumet@ign.fr).

The Hungarian TN-ITS service is available from the Hungarian Public Road Ltd. It is operational since 2018 and publishes changes of speed limits and road restriction on a monthly basis. Changes for the country covering all main roads and highways are made available. The service shares linear and point features reflecting road information and traffic signs. It supports GML location referencing method at the pilot phase which will be expanded whit a few others in order to maximize the re-use of the information.
The point of contact is Mr. Levente Zubriczky (zubriczky.levente@kozut.hu ).
For access to the service follow this link.


TN-ITS maintenance and extension of technical specification
Working Group Leader
Flanders Agency of Roads and Traffic
Main objectives
- Identify the roadblocks that hinder some member states from adopting TN-ITS.
- Provide consultancy and mitigations as input to the European Commission to overcome identified member state issues.

Engage EU NAPCORE Member States community
The Norwegian TN-ITS service is available from the Norwegian Public Road Administration. It is operational since 2015 and publishes changes of speed limits, road info, road restriction and warnings on a daily basis. Changes for the full country covering all road types are made available. The service shares linear and point features reflecting road information and traffic signs. It supports different types of location referencing methods to maximize the re-use of the information (OpenLR, GML, and INSPIRE linear referencing).
The point of contact is Mr. Martin Frederiksen (martin.fredriksen@vegvesen.no).
For access to the service follow this link.

TN-ITS enhancement data sharing supply chain
Working Group Leader
Main objectives
- Make an inventory and assess data trust-related items and mechanisms, suitable to serve the bidirectional TN-ITS data exchange purposes within the complete data exchange chains.
- Research the most optimal quality system that can be applied to TN-ITS services and assess new a assess new applications given the data attributes and services provided by TN-ITS.

TN-ITS focused dissemination and communication
Working Group Leader
Main objectives
- Ensure a good communication
- Ensure dissemination of results and the newly acquired TN-ITS knowledge via the website, webinars, participation in conferences, etc.

Management and Coordination
Working Group Leader
Main objectives
- Manage, administrate, monitor and report the results and latest updates.
- Organise and execute a TN-ITS focused Member States Change Management Board.
- Provide dissemination support and guidance to the NAPCORE project, from the TN-ITS community as a multi stakeholder membership, and creating liaisons.

Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)